
Model Behavior

      As excited as I was to blog about all the NYC fashion and life style I have found it to be extremely exhausting. They weren't kidding when they said this city doesn't sleep, because it doesn't and neither do I. I am someone who puts sleep before almost anything, and this lifestyle has got the best of me. Up at 7 work until 5, maybe have time for a feast of a dinner before I start my homework and talk the night away with my roommate about our exhausting days, so that we can fall asleep by midnight, and do it all over again. However I have never been happier in my LIFE. I love this job, I love the people, and I love the experience I am getting. Last week I told you about the my little angel Weronika. This week I am introducing you to Marian Fassarella. 
     This girl is so talented& not to mention beautiful. Our first day together involved us iPhone shopping. Yes, my task was to take this 21 year old who speaks NO English to get an iPhone. As exciting as that was I have never wished I spoke Portuguese more in my life. The next day as I walked into work I see her in the waiting room. I go over and say hi, great her with the air kiss on both cheeks (so NYC) and then head to my desk. No more than 10 minutes later I am called downstairs to go on a casting. When handed the itinerary for the day my heart literally stops. I see Alexander Wang and Calvin Klein as our first two casting..Outside I walk to Marian sitting smoking a cigarette, standard. She was so excited to see me again, and as I tried to explain to her I would be taking her around town today I also explained how amazing Wang&Klein were but she was not phased and looked at me like I was speaking another language, which I was. We were just two 21 year olds ready to run around Manhattan..
     All in all I spent about 2 hours at the Calvin Klein headquarters, and watched the Alexander Wang team test shoot her so I was in heaven. It was all so surreal. My life consists of running all around town with these models in cabs, and subways trying to find our way through this huge city without getting lost has become my favorite past time. I have created such unique friendships with these girls, we have our own sign language and way of talking because we don't understand eachother. We laugh at cab drivers, point to freaks on the subway, and even highfive after castings if we think they went well! They don't even realize it but they are teaching me and showing me so much about life. This industry throws these young girls out there and from day one they are on their own thousands of miles away from their friends and families in a world they know nothing about. I respect them so much, and can't even imagine what it would be like. If they can do those things in order to reach their dreams, I can too.

Get inspired by Mariana...I really love her she even friended me on Facebook!



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